Worship with Us
Our Sunday service is the Holy Eucharist, also known as Holy Communion, the Mass, and the Liturgy. It is similar to services in the Roman Catholic and Lutheran traditions. We mostly use the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer 1979, although other authorized texts are used occasionally. Hymns are from the various resources authorized by the Episcopal Church. We strive to keep our services easy to participate in while being meaningful and grounded in the great tradition of the Church.
Our worship service begins every Sunday at 9:30 AM.
We believe that Jesus is truly present in the Sacrament. We do not speculate too much about how the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ for us. Jesus did not give us Holy Communion for intellectual arguments, but to feed and transform our lives.
All who have been baptized are welcome to receive Communion in the Episcopal Church. If you have not been baptized or if you prefer, you are welcome to come forward at the time of Communion for a blessing.
No, you will find people wearing everything from jeans and t-shirts to suits and ties. Most people dress casually.
In a word, “yes.” The Episcopal Church is part of the Anglican Communion, a worldwide family of churches that trace their history to the Church of England. The Anglican tradition is a kind of “Reformed Catholicism,” maintaining the ancient catholic faith and church structure while incorporating the historic Protestant emphasis on grace, faith, and the Bible. We are governed by democratic legislative bodies with bishops, clergy, and laypeople serving together. We enjoy strong ecumenical relationships with other churches.
Men and women serve in all ordained ministries – bishops, priests, and deacons. All orders of clergy can marry, as called by God.
Marriage is understood to be a commitment of two people to life and love together until death. For various reasons, people sometimes are unable to keep this commitment and the Episcopal Church allows for remarriage in the church with the consent of the bishop. Divorced and remarried people are welcome to receive Holy Communion. Same-sex marriage is available in the Episcopal Church. LGBTQ+ folk and those who support same-sex marriage as well as people who hold traditional views on marriage and those who are not sure exactly what they believe about these questions are all welcome to be part of our congregation.
Episcopalians and members of churches with which we are in full communion may simply transfer their membership to St. Stephen’s. Others may become members by Baptism, Confirmation, or being Received into the Episcopal Church. Of course, people are welcome to participate in our life and work whether or not they are official members. Please feel free to ask the clergy about any of these questions.